Doula social media guidelines

These media guidelines encourage people to look at Find My Doula which in turn encourages them to engage YOU as their doula.

When engaged in Social Media we encourage you to:

  • Become a “fan” of the Find My Doula Facebook pages.
  • “Follow” the official Find My Doula twitter, instagram accounts.
  • “Like” a status update or an article posted to our Facebook page.
  • “Share” (or forward) official articles, posts or materials generated and made publicly available by Find My Doula (e.g. re-tweet/share posts on Twitter or Facebook, videos on YouTube, press releases and feeds from the public areas of the Find My Doula website).
  • Share/forward positive articles and posts about Find My Doula that are generated by a third party (e.g. an independent article about Find My Doula).
  • Feel free to post comments & updates on Find My Doula’s media accounts as long as your comments comply with these guidelines.

When engaged in Social Media we ask you not to:

  • Post any content that looks, feels or sounds like or can be mistaken for an official comment from Find My Doula.
  • Discuss any non-public or confidential information about Find My Doula.
  • Respond to or comment on posts about Find My Doula that are made by clients, bloggers, reporters or the general public on Find My Doula social media sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) or on third-party sites, even if such posts are inaccurate or critical of Find My Doula.
  • Discuss clients or matters relating to them on any social media site whether doula or personal related.
  • Disparage colleagues or others you work with in your role as a doula, discussing clients or matters relating to them on any social media site whether doula or personal related.
  • If it is proven that you have breached these guidelines your profile will be removed from the website and we may have to consider cancelling your membership totally.

Doula social media guidelines

These media guidelines encourage people to look at Find My Doula which in turn encourages them to engage YOU as their doula.

When engaged in Social Media we encourage you to:

  • Become a “fan” of the Find My Doula Facebook pages.
  • “Follow” the official Find My Doula twitter, instagram accounts.
  • “Like” a status update or an article posted to our Facebook page.
  • “Share” (or forward) official articles, posts or materials generated and made publicly available by Find My Doula (e.g. re-tweet/share posts on Twitter or Facebook, videos on YouTube, press releases and feeds from the public areas of the Find My Doula website).
  • Share/forward positive articles and posts about Find My Doula that are generated by a third party (e.g. an independent article about Find My Doula).
  • Feel free to post comments & updates on Find My Doula’s media accounts as long as your comments comply with these guidelines.

When engaged in Social Media we ask you not to:

  • Post any content that looks, feels or sounds like or can be mistaken for an official comment from Find My Doula.
  • Discuss any non-public or confidential information about Find My Doula.
  • Respond to or comment on posts about Find My Doula that are made by clients, bloggers, reporters or the general public on Find My Doula social media sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) or on third-party sites, even if such posts are inaccurate or critical of Find My Doula.
  • Discuss clients or matters relating to them on any social media site whether doula or personal related.
  • Disparage colleagues or others you work with in your role as a doula, discussing clients or matters relating to them on any social media site whether doula or personal related.
  • If it is proven that you have breached these guidelines your profile will be removed from the website and we may have to consider cancelling your membership totally.